⚡️Reels Rockstar

Available for 72hrs.


How to CONFIDENTLY promote yourself and your indie art on Instagram Reels.


Imagine knowing exactly what to post to get your music, art, merch and projects in front of your fans, so they actually come to your shows and PAY you for your art! 


My heart, thumping, my fingers twitching, was I experiencing stage fright?


I was just trying to press a little tiny button on my computer.

You know the one…

The one that triggers ➡️ SEND that email out to my list about my upcoming show.

😨 Every show, the same feelings of anxiety, pain and discomfort in the pit of my stomach like staring the tiger of my imposter syndrome square in the face and knowing for sure I was about to get eaten alive.

It was too damn painful.💔

So I often procrastinated and didn’t let anyone know about my shows until it was too late for them to actually come.

📣But what if it didn’t have to be this way?

What if promoting your shows was simply a natural extension of who you are and how you show up online…

I've spent the last couple decades mastering both my CONFIDENCE and proven social media STRATEGIES to completely overcome my fear of "self promotion."

😱Imagine having a proven system for promoting yourself, your art, your shows, your Patreon and VIP membership…

🙋‍♀️Imagine knowing exactly what to post to get your music, art, merch and projects in front of your fans…

🔥Imagine attracting NEW fans with content designed to PROMOTE your albums, EPs, concerts, gigs and performances...

Imagine becoming a ⚡️Reels Rockstar!

In this FREE masterclass you’ll learn…

🎶 The fastest way to have your fans humming your tune as though they’d just heard your new release 100x on the radio in the 80s.

😱 7 Common mistakes that squash the effectiveness of your reels like the mushy insides of an overripe watermelon.

💪 7 Simple strategies that will have you rocking and rolling your reels as though you were a rolling stone skimming across a clear blue pond.

🔥 Fiery examples of indie artists killing each of the 7 strategies so there’s no doubt in your mind for how YOU can implement them yourself.


⚡️Reels Rockstar - Promote like a Pro will be available free for just 72 hours.

This masterclass content is PURE 🔥 FIRE and a BONUS I'm creating specifically for the performers inside my paid program Reel Magic.

The good news?

You can attend FREE this Thursday June 1st!

And if you want lifetime access plus 200 done for you reels scripts, prompts, templates, hooks and ideas specifically designed for performing artists, you can snag ✨Reel Magic for just $37!